Research on event-
related potentials

Electroencephalography (EEG) is a neurophysiological method in which the electrical activity of the brain can be measured by recording voltage changes on the surface of the head. The reactions to certain stimuli (e.g., images or sounds) are recorded via so-called event-related potentials. In this way, neurophysiological differences in cognitive processing can be investigated across different groups of participants across different stimuli.
System Research

Many integrative therapies are believed to affect the regulatory processes of the cardiovascular system. In our research, we collect multiple cardiovascular parameters (pulse wave morphology, vascular stiffness, pulse wave velocity, baroreceptor sensitivity, heart rate variability, etc.) using various diagnostic methods. Measurements can be made before, during and after the application of integrative therapeutic procedures. The analysis of these data provides information about the effect of the therapies. Furthermore, we investigate the influence of blood pressure changes on parameters of pulse wave latency and pulse wave morphology, also under conditions of standardized exercise stress (e.g., ergometry).
Research on

Integrative therapy procedures such as external applications (chest, liver or kidney compresses, rubbing of the body with medicinal oils or ointments [embrocations], foot baths) have an effect on the human organism's heat balance, among other things. High-resolution infrared thermography images can be used to measure and map changes in body surface temperature associated with such therapeutic procedures, providing evidence of a thermoregulatory effect.